Sunday, March 9, 2008

who knows

an attempt to make one cent, to try at least to get a buck off the net.
I do, however, suggest you see the I'm fucking Matt Daemon vid by sarah silverman, and the rebuttal by Jimmy kimmel entitled I'm fucking Ben Afleck.


Anonymous said...

Does the following make me a kill joy?: Upon watching the bit about 'free hugs', my first (and lasting) thought was one of warm fuzzies, what a quaint yet perfectly happy concept, yet the same fear kept popping up, is this a problem if someone where to have headlice? Yikes. Maybe I'm killjoy.

Kris Hightower said...

I don't think you're a killjoy, what if the person you're hugging has some very strange disease that, like head lice, decided to jump upon you. Free hugs sound good and the vid did give out some warm fuzzies, but there should be a follow up video telling how the guy got punched in the face a few times.

Anonymous said...

or even worst-half-hearted hugs. those are the worst..