Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sis' Bday

Though I write this under the influence of blueberry vodka and other things, I write with great sincerity. I am a wee bit hurt tonight. You see I went the extra mile to make my sister's birthday a good one. I bought a load of gifts, spent a load on dinner for her husband to drink his jack and sevens and then then then she goes and sees the comedian that I most favour? Why in the bloody hell did she not mention that she was going to go see him and not tell me. I had mentioned it before as an option and she merely waved it off, telling me that "oh that's okay I don't think I'd like that" like it like it????? why would you bloody go then if you didn't like it. I realize that I wasn't seeing billy connolly or robin williams but steven lynch is one of the coolest singing comedians I know. Well I'm quite sure I'm feeling butt hurt for no reason but why didn't she say anything?

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